Saturday, September 18, 2010

Government failed to attract investors

By Anwar Ibrahim 0Comments
Categories : New Agenda, Analysis, International, Anwar, Economy, Recommend, Current Issue and Malaysia
Report Merill Lynch Bank of America 's concern related to the market . According to the report of Malaysia are among countries that are not favored investors in Asia Pacific after the bank was reviewing the views of fund managers . Although the government tried to stop a beautiful picture , the fact that Malaysia fell two steps from the previous position which was ranked 10th , and now in the position tercorot . Certainly this story to publish my fear on the economic position of the country when the so-called administrative Dato ' Sri Najib would make a warkan diwar economic policies aimed at attracting investors.

A number of important matters that should be considered is the view of investors who see Malaysia is not able to compete with neighboring countries such energy to move forward as Indonesia . Our neighbor to the survey by the World Economic Forum (World Economic Forum ) has jumped 10 stairs to the 44th of 139 countries . Following the development of our kind of doubt the details of the New Economic Model to be announced prime minister is able to revive the sluggish economy of this country . Government's intention to make investments of RM 2.2 trillion in the past 10 years , where 92 % of that number come from private investment , certainly raises concerns when investors act away from our markets .

The government should be aware , the economic policies that deny the policy and failed to give preference to make changes to systems that deal would seem empty. I stress that a comprehensive , investors give priority to the justice system clean , the climate is not corrupt and deceitful and promising leadership . Presentation and detailed economic policies , but denied such basic items will only be received cold . Unfortunately, this fact of ruling elites continue to deny even the people who suffer jelatalah hold the load.


Friday, August 20, 2010

The Pomegranate - A Gift from Heaven

by Christine Klar
The pomegranate makes wonder of life visible to us. With its beauty of colour and shape the age-old tree stands gracefully in the centre of its red blossoms, overwhelming are the usefulness and the taste of its red fruit. It symbolizes the overflowing abundance of nature, its strength and power of resistance, its diversity within the entity of life and its capacity of constant renewal and regeneration.

The latest research shows that the pomegranate hasn't been cultivated by mankind without reason for more than 5.000 years. In former times the skin and juice were often used as ink as well as dye for oriental carpets. The pomegranate has many positive effects on our health. A fatty acid appearing almost only in this fruit, which is demonstrably highly concentrated and has especially positive effects on our health, is important for all metabolism processes in the body.

The pomegranate is an excellent water and food supplier: it contains beta-carotine, vitamins B1, B2 and C, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, albumen a.o. and above all large quantities of antioxidants, secondary plant substances like poly-phenolen (flavonoids, tannins). Of special importance to nutrition experts is the poly-phenol ellag-acid . An optimal anti-oxidative protection, the anti-oxidative effect of the pomegranate is 3 to 10 times higher than in well-known plants like bilberry(blueberry), cranberry or green tea.

According to dietetic studies (Dr. Michael Avriam, 2004) the complete anti-oxidative protection in the blood rises by 130 % after having consumed pomegranate concentrate (10 ml per day). Furthermore, other controlled studies by Dr. Avriam prove the optimal effect on the heart circulation system. The oxidation of the cholesterol LDL could be reduced strongly after the consumption of pomegranates. Oxidized LDL cholesterol is more easily deposited in sediments and results in the so called arterio-sclerotic plaque, which is known as the main reason for heart circulation problems. Even a clear decrease of the sediments in the arteries could be seen. Regular consumption prevents anti-aging, arteriosclerosis and heart circulation diseases.

From the fruit, the skin, the blossoms, the leaves of the pomegranate to its trunk - everything can be used. The fresh juice has a stimulating impact on the blood in the body, helps for anaemia and improves digestion, especially the activity of the stomach. The pomegranate has a contracting quality and thus stops strong bleeding and sweating, heat flushes as well as diarrhoea. It soothes inflammation, increases the healing of wounds by regeneration of the tissue, is useful for the healing of the skin and mucous membranes, helps for bronchitis and tuberculosis, is effective against skin aging, has a proven, strengthening impact on epidermis, increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin, acts positively compensating on skin moisture and reduces wrinkles. At the same time the preventive as well as healing effect on cancer diseases like skin, breast and prostate cancer is to be stressed. Also today the pomegranate is still used in natural medicine as worm and tapeworm medicine. Last but not least the microbial effects on infections of the gums and urinary passages are to be mentioned.

Japanese studies from 2004 prove that because of its enormous quantities of phyto-estrogens (natural hormone treatment) the pomegranate provides for a noticeable soothing of frequent troubles of women in menopause like change of mood, osteoporosis and heat flushes. Also the typical pre-menstruation complaints will be deminished. The oil of the seeds and leaves shows a high substance of plant hormones. The fatty acid of the pomegranate contributes to the formation of prostaglandins in the human body. Prostaglandins are hormones of utmost importance for the metabolism and immune system, which the body produces itself.

American researchers, the team of Prof. Dr. A. R. Neurath, discovered substances in the juice of the pomegranate which prevent the entrance of the HI-virus into cells and thus an infection. The researchers did tests with different HIV stems and thus revealed the mechanisms how the virus binding takes place and how the infection is stopped by it.

Another scientific research of the pomegranate by Dr. Lansky, Schubert and Neemann brought to light different bio-flavonides which can stop infection supporting enzymes. This is also the reason for the anti-infectious and pain soothing effect.

Because of his intensive research of many years the "re-discovery" of the pomegranate is especially due to Dr. Ephraim Lansky. He started the research on the effects of pomegranates on cancerogene cells and developed processing methods of the pomegranate for the maximization of the anti-cancer effect on breast and skin cancer, leukaemia a.o. Through many other controlled studies in the following years he supplied evidence for the many-sided effectiveness of the pomegranate, such as that the seeds have the highest portion of estrones amongst all plant components. In all his studies Dr. E. Lansky was keen to produce a medically effective extract of the whole pomegranate with different extraction methods.

The newest, world-wide most innovative machines presently on the market are for hygienic perfect extraction of the arils. Only these newest aril extracing machines permit the maintaining of the full, 100 % potential of the pomegranate, which is important and precious for nutrition, as medicine and as cosmetic. To protect all natural, especially valuable components it must be secured that the arils are removed from the skin without being crushed. This way all natural qualities of the fruit are preserved and the fresh arils can be eaten or from the fresh arils thus the best pomegranate juice world-wide is produced in this form.

The pomegranate is extremely important in nutrition and in the preventive as well as curative medicine and can simply be called the "cure-all" of the year. Already 2.400 years ago Hippocrates said: "May your food be your medicine and your medicine your food!"


Pomegranates 'slow tumour growth'

Pomegranates have been linked to many health benefits
Pomegranate juice may help to slow down the progress of prostate cancer, research suggests.
Tests on mice showed the juice dramatically slowed down prostate cancer cell growth.

Pomegranates, native to the Middle East, are packed with healthy anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory agents.

The study, by the University of Wisconsin, appears in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Prostate cancer is now the most common cancer diagnosed in men in the UK.

Every year over 30,000 men are diagnosed and 10,000 men die from it.

Our study adds to growing evidence that pomegranates contain very powerful agents against cancer

Professor Hasan Mukhtar
Previous research has shown pomegranate extract is effective against tumours in mouse skin.

And scientists in Israel have shown that drinking a daily glass of the fruit's juice can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The Wisconsin team first tested the juice on laboratory cultures of human prostate cancer cells.

They found the extract killed the cancer cells - and the higher the dose, the more cells died.

Supplemented diet

Next the team injected mice with human prostate cancer cells. One group was given pure water, and two others received water supplemented with 0.1% or 0.2% pomegranate juice.

Cancer progression was significantly slowed in mice receiving the higher pomegranate dose.

Their blood contained decreased levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a marker commonly used to monitor prostate cancer.

In comparison, tumours grew much faster in animals that were given only water.

Lead researcher Professor Hasan Mukhtar said: "Our study, while early, adds to growing evidence that pomegranates contain very powerful agents against cancer, particularly prostate cancer.

"There is good reason now to test this fruit in humans, both for cancer prevention and treatment."

Dr Chris Hiley, of The Prostate Cancer Charity, said: "This is useful research as it might well benefit both men who may get prostate cancer and men who already have it.

"It's still to early to know what, if anything, the science will tell us about potential effects in men, but it is not too soon to point out that diet is plainly significant in the development of prostate cancer.

"As there are sound reasons for adopting a healthy diet with a generally increased intake of fruit and vegetables, why not consider pomegranate, and its juice, as one of the ways of achieving this."

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Rahsia Penciptaan Buah Delima

Norkumala bt. Awang
Pegawai Penyelidik

17/06/2008 | Artikel Bahasa Malaysia

Di dalam al Quran, terakam indah firman Allah yang bermaksud, " Di dalam kedua- duanya (syurga) juga terdapat buah- buahan serta pohon kurma dan delima". [Surah al Rahman ayat 68]. Allah menyebut buah delima (rumman) sebanyak 3 kali di dalam ayatNya untuk menunjukkan betapa hebatnya penciptaan Allah itu dan ia juga disebut sebagai buahan daripada syurga. Mengapa begitu sekali pengiktirafan Allah terhadap buah delima sebagai anugerah kepada makhlukNya di muka bumi? Apakah keistimewaan di sebalik sebiji buah delima?
Jika ditinjau, delima yang berasal dari negara Iran dikenali sebagai Pinica granatum dalam istilah botani juga didapati di India, Afghanistan dan Syria. Pada zaman Nabi Musa as lagi, buah delima yang bermutu sudah ditanam di Palestin dan Lebanon. Buah delima menjadi simbol kesuburan bagi perkahwinan masyarakat di Timur Tengah. Manakala dalam agama Kristian, buah delima menjadi simbol kebangkitan semula dan kehidupan yang kekal serta dalam agama Buddha, buah delima dikatakan buah yang berkat selain daripada buah limau dan pic. Di China pula, buah delima menjadi satu simbol kesuburan, rezeki yang melimpah ruah, keturunan yang ramai dan masa depan yang diberkati. Namun, dalam Islam, buah delima merupakan salah satu buah yang terdapat di dalam syurga yang dikurniakan Allah sebagai rezeki yang boleh dinikmati oleh umat manusia yang menunjukkan tanda- tanda kekuasaanNya sebagaimana yang termaktub dalam firmanNya di dalam surah al An'am ayat 99 dan ayat 141.

Al Ghazali mengajak manusia agar merenung tentang penciptaan buah delima sebagai tanda kehebatan Allah di mana ia terbentuk seperti kantung- kantung kecil yang segar, dengan bahagian bawahnya besar dan bahagian atasnya tipis yang kelihatan seperti bukit. Kemasan yang tersusun rapi biji buah tersebut seakan disusun oleh manusia serta dibalut dengan kulit yang tipis seperti tenunan halus dan akhirnya ia dibalut dengan kulit yang tebal mengelilingi buah delima tersebut. Hikmah penciptaan buah delima dengan percaturan yang sebegitu rupa mempunyai nilai kehebatan tersendiri. Seandainya ia tidak dilapisi dengan lapisan yang halus itu, sudah tentu sari makanan tidak dapat sampai kepada biji buah delima tersebut. Dengan mendapat sari makanan itulah, buah delima mempunyai rasa manis tetapi akarnya sendiri mempunyai rasa yang amat pahit.. Lapisan yang membahagi ruang biji buah delima berfungsi untuk memelihara buahnya dan seluruh biji buah tersebut dilitupi dengan kulit yang keras tetapi rasanya agak pahit adalah untuk menjaganya bebas daripada segala hama. Sorotan tentang kejadian ini menunjukkan kepada kita betapa setiap kejadian yang Allah ciptakan mempunyai keistimewaan tersendiri.

Dari sudut pemakanan, buah delima amat kaya dengan sodium dan mengandungi unsur- unsur nutrien seperti riboflavin, tiamin, niasin, vitamin C, kalsium dan fosforus. Manakala zat protein dan lemak hanyalah sedikit sahaja terkandung di dalamnya. Oleh sebab ia mempunyai nilai pemakanan yang baik, buah delima juga disarankan dimakan dalam mengimbangi pemakanan sempurna dari kelas buah- buahan.

Ternyata buah delima mempunyai banyak manfaat untuk manusia sama ada sebagai buah- buahan mahupun dijadikan sebagai ubat penawar. Menurut Ibn Qayyim Al Jauziyah, buah delima bersifat panas dan lembap, oleh sebab itu ia amat baik untuk menguatkan perut, tekak, dada dan paru- paru kerana ia akan melegakan batuk. Sepertimana sabda daripada Nami Muhammad SAW daripada Ali dan Abu Nu'aim yang bermaksud: "Buah delima dan kulitnya dapat menguatkan perut untuk penghadaman". Jus buah delima dapat memberikan zat kepada tubuh badan serta menyegarkan badan dan ia dapat dihadam dengan cepat kerana sifatnya yang ringan dan akan mengeluarkan haba bersama dengan angin di dalam perut. Oleh sebab itu buah delima tidak disarankan kepada mereka yang menghidap demam. Ia juga bertindak sebagai penawar yang baik untuk cirit birit, anemia, tekanan darah tinggi dan atritis. Di samping itu, buah delima dapat menguatkan jantung dan membantu dalam fungsi saraf dan otot. Oleh kerana itulah, ia mampu menghilangkan rasa keletihan. Di dalam perubatan homeopati pula, buah delima disarankan untuk mengubat cirit birit, sakit telinga dan kurang lawas penghadaman.

Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa terdapat bukti yang menyatakan bahagian pokok delima banyak kegunaan dan faedahnya. Dan ini telah diakui dalam perubatan melayu seperti ramuan jamu daripada pokok delima sebagai ubat cacing. Ramuan ini sebenarnya sudah lama diamalkan oleh masyarakat tradisional melayu. Cuma yang mungkin, ilmu perubatan Melayu tradisional ini tidak terus diamalkan dan tidak langsung sampai kepada generasi baru sekarang dan ia seolah- olah dibiarkan begitu sahaja. Bahagian kulit buah delima pula mengandungi sejenis alkaloid yang boleh mengawal beberapa cenis cacing seperti cacing pita yang mendiami perut manusia. Rasanya yang pahit tidak sesuai untuk dimakan tidak seperti bijinya yang manis, tetapi manfaat daripada rasa pahit tersebut ialah dapat menghapuskan cacing pita dalam perut manusia. Kulitnya yang tebal pula bertanggungjawab melindungi buah delima supaya dapat disimpan dengan mutu yang baik. Jika diselusuri faedah dan kepentingan kulit serta batang buah delima, ia dapat digunakan untuk melembut dan menguningkan kulit lembu dan kambing dalam industri barangan kulit di Morocco dan Syria. Ini kerana kulitnya mengandungi punicotannic acid yang agak tinggi iaitu sebanyak 22%. Manakala bunga buah delima pula mempunyai nilai yang amat tinggi dalam tujuan perubatan kerana ia dapat mengubati pelbagai jenis penyakit.

Justeru, kemanfaatan buah delima tidak dapat disangkal lagi kerana ia bukanlah hanya sekadar sebiji buah yang mengandungi banyak khasiat untuk dimakan tetapi keseluruhan penciptaan pokok buah delima memberi manfaat kepada umat manusia. Sekaligus ia menggambarkan kepada kita, betapa hebatnya kuasa Allah. Renungkanlah dan perhatikanlah, bagaimana dahan tempat buah delima tergantung yang diciptakanNya dengan rapi dan kuat serta tidak gugur buahnya sebelum sampai waktunya. Ini menunjukkan betapa setiap kejadian yang Allah cipta mempunyai rahsia dan keistimewaan tersendiri agar manusia mendapat manfaat dan menilai kurniaan tersebut.

Friday, April 2, 2010


At the Inter- Parliamentary Union (IPU) assembly in Bangkok,Thailand on 1st April 2010, the committee of IPU on the human rights of Parliamentarians reported their unanimous decision to recommend to the Governing Council of the Inter-Parliamentary Union resolutions on the case o MAL/15-Anwar Ibrahim. The assembly was attended by members of Parliaments from 145 countries throughout the world.

The chairman of the Committee of IPU On the Human Rights of Parliamentarians, Senator Aquilino Q Pimentel, Jr of Philiphines, then presented the following resolutions to be adopted by the council.

Noting that Anwar Ibrahim’s renewed sodomy trial has been widely critized as a bid to wreck Anwar Ibrahim’s political career,

1. Is deeply concerned at the new sodomy charges and proceedings brought against Anwar Ibrahim, which seem to be fraught with flaws similar to those of the first sodomy trial several years ago of which he was acquitted in last instance;

2. Believes that in the light of the two medical reports concluding that there were no physical signs of penetration, charges should not have been pressed in the first place and should now be dismissed;

3. Is moreover alarmed that members of the prosecution team who were implicated in the first sodomy trial, the main prosecutor at the time and now Attorney General, having even been accused of having fabricated evidence against Anwar Ibrahim, are again involved in the present proceedings and that Anwar’s defence team has been prevented from exercising its right to access prosecution evidence and been hindered to prepare the defence;

4. Firmly recalls that equality of arms between the prosecution that the defence is an essential element of a fair trial and that, failing action to ensure that the defence can exercise its rights, any judgments issued by the court will be fundamentally flawed;

5. Requests the Secretary General to make the necessary arrangements to ensure the presence of a trial observer at the coming hearings;

6. Requests the Secretary General to inform the Malaysian Parliamentary authorities accordingly;

7. Requests the Committee to continue examining this case and report to its next session, to be held on the occasion of the 123rd IPU Assembly (October 2010).

The resolutions were adopted by all the delegations of Assembly with Malaysia reservation recorded.

Joint press statement by Pakatan Rakyat MPs, attending the 122nd IPU Assembly:

YB Hee Loy Sian, PKR MP of Petaling Jaya Selatan,
YB Sim Tong Him, DAP MP of Kota Melaka
YB Senator Mumtaz bt Md.Nawi , PAS .

2nd April 2010,
Bangkok, Thailand

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Former Chief Israeli Peace Negotiator Joins APCO Worldwide Ambassador Itamar Rabinovich appointed to International Advisory Council

Washington, D.C. (August 2, 2007) – Professor Itamar Rabinovich, former Israeli ambassador to the United States, joins APCO Worldwide as a member of its International Advisory Council (IAC), Margery Kraus, president and chief executive officer, announced today. Rabinovich brings to APCO extensive global knowledge and will work closely with its on-the-ground experts to counsel clients seeking access to dynamic developing markets.

“APCO’s IAC is the ideal forum in which to practically apply the wide range of skills and experience I’ve acquired over the years,” said Rabinovich, a leading diplomat and expert on the Middle East. “Working with such distinguished members of global society is an honor, and the tangible real-world benefits – for both clients and society – are compelling.”

“Along with a long list of remarkable credentials, Itamar presents a distinct international viewpoint that will prove vital to the IAC and APCO’s clients,” Kraus said. “His intimate knowledge of dynamic markets and people adds even more depth to the IAC’s unparalleled strength of strategic counsel.”

Rabinovich recently concluded a second term as president of Tel Aviv University (TAU). He is an expert on modern Middle Eastern history, and in addition to his significant administrative and fiduciary responsibilities at the university, he served as a senior research fellow at TAU’s Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies and an incumbent of the Yona and Dina Ettinger Chair in Contemporary History of the Middle East. Earlier in his career, he also served as the Moshe Dayan Center’s director.

Before Rabinovich began his presidency at TAU, he was Israel’s chief negotiator with Syria under the Yitzhak Rabin government, leading some of the most delicate diplomatic missions in contemporary history. He served with distinction as Israel’s Ambassador in Washington, D.C., during the critical period from 1993 to 1996.

Rabinovich is a regular contributor to international news networks including the BBC and Al Jazeera. He is the author of several books about the Middle East. He is a regular participant in numerous international boards and forums, including the Trilateral Commission, the Saban Forum and the World Economic Forum. He is the chairman of the Dan David Prize, and served on the board of the International Crisis Group. Rabinovich joins more than 35 high-level strategists as a member of APCO’s IAC, including: Dr. Ludolf von Wartenberg, managing director of the Federation of German Industries; former U.S. Senator Don Riegle; and Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat, former U.S. representative to the European Union.
About APCO Worldwide

Founded in 1984, APCO Worldwide is an independently owned global communication consultancy with offices in major cities throughout the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. APCO was named 2007 PR Agency of the Year by PRNews; 2006 Agency of the Year by PRWeek; 2007, 2006 and 2005 European Consultancy of the Year by Public Affairs News; and 2004 Public Affairs Agency of the Year by The Holmes Report. Clients include corporations, governments, industry associations and nonprofit organizations. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., APCO includes among its clients seven of the top 10 companies on Fortune’s Global 500. Core services include corporate, investor and internal communication; crisis management; issue management; government relations; litigation communication; media relations; coalition building; opinion research; market entry; corporate responsibility; and online communication. APCO is a majority women-owned business. For more information, please visit

Elizabeth Wolf
Anwar slams government for defending APCO
By Neville Spykerman

KUALA LUMPUR, April 1 — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim asked the government to answer all questions he had raised against communications consultancy APCO Worldwide and its links to Israel instead of attacking him.

“Why defend APCO? The prime minister must explain all the issues raised in Parliament,” the opposition leader said today.

He said the Najib administration had chosen to remain silent on his allegations that APCO was connected to the Israel government, its internal security agency Shin Bet and Zionism.

Anwar added these unanswered questions relate to Malaysia’s security.

Anwar is facing the possibility of suspension over his claim during parliamentary debate last week that the international communications consultancy, engaged by the Malaysian government, was involved in Ehud Barak’s One Israel campaign.

Earlier today, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz said the government has decided that Anwar will be referred to the parliamentary Rights and Privileges Committee.

The Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department said Anwar had so far not been able to provide concrete evidence to support his allegation that 1 Malaysia was taken from One Israel.

APCO has released a statement denying the allegations made by Anwar.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Please Click

Under attack, Pakatan moves to tighten discipline


By Clara Chooi

PETALING JAYA, Feb 22 — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim moved today to contain the fallout from squabbling among Pakatan Rakyat (PR) lawmakers by announcing the revival of plans to quickly set up a disciplinary panel for the opposition coalition.

His announcement comes in the wake of open criticisms against DAP by lawmakers in his PKR party.

The show of open dissent has open up the coalition to attacks from its rivals in Barisan Nasional (BN) who have criticised PR of being an unstable coalition incapable of leading any government.

Following a PR leadership council meeting today, Anwar said that the coalition’s secretariat was also willing to provide better avenues for members to voice their grievances against the leadership.

While maintaining that there were enough opportunities for disgruntled MPs or state assemblymen to voice their views, the PKR de facto leader said that if members felt otherwise, the PR leadership was willing to improve itself.

He noted however that rebel MPs like Kulim Bandar Baharu MP Zulkifli Noordin and Nibong Tebal MP Tan Tee Beng should have maintained more decorum when voicing their opinions against PR leaders.

“The impression created by some of the MPs that they cannot criticise for example the Chief Minister of Penang Lim Guan Eng or the Selangor Mentri Besar (Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim) is not true.

“There is a weekly committee for MPs to air their views where they can bring up any grievances against any leader whether from PAS, DAP or PKR. However, if they feel we need to expand that, then we can. I have no issues,” he told a press conference.

Anwar added that at present, the PR had at least seven ongoing committees involving MPs and non-MPs.

“Then each party has its respective leadership meetings. The MPs have a forum too and the PR secretariat itself has about five to six committees.

“The GST issue, for example, we sit and discuss and some agree and some disagree. However if they feel there is need for improvement, we are ready to do so,” he said.

On rebel MPs like Kulim Bandar Baharu MP Zulkifli Noordin and Nibong Tebal MP Tan Tee Beng, Anwar spoke of the need for decorum.

“We are not stopping them from voicing their opinions but they should be more patient. When you call a leader a ‘dictator’ for example... that is not good,” he said.

He was referring to Bayan Baru MP Datuk Seri Zahrain Hashim, who has since left PKR, and whose relentless criticisms against Lim had sparked off much controversy.

Zahrain left the party on Feb 12 to turn independent and claimed to have lost confidence in Lim and party leader Anwar himself.

Tan, who had joined Zahrain in his open criticism of Lim, is set to attend the PKR board disciplinary board proceedings tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Anwar said that the PR secretariat had decided on reviving its plan to set up the PR disciplinary committee, which would be chaired by PKR vice-president Sivarasa Rasiah.

“Sivarasa will represent all three parties in the PR and will report to the secretariat. The committee will be tasked to handle disciplinary matters especially those that concern the three parties,” said Anwar.

Monday, February 1, 2010

PAS to open up fully to non-Muslims in 5 years

Wong Choon Mei

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 1: PAS has set itself a five-year target to fully open its doors to members of all races and religions so long as they are Malaysians and are determined to champion the party’s Islamic cause.

“Definitely, PAS will stay an Islamic party,” Mujahid Ysof Rawa, chairman of the PAS National Unity Committee, told Harakahdaily.

“But we recognize we are also a multiracial country. So we hope within five years’ time, we will be able to iron out all the kinks and invite all the races and religions to be PAS members so long as they understand and fully support our cause.”

Last year, PAS endorsed separate constitution allowing its Supporters Club - its longstanding non-Muslim wing - to become a Supporters Congress. The upgrade is significant because it gives greater rights to the non-Muslims, including additional platforms for them to play a more active role in party activities.

According to Mujahid, the Congress’s steering committee held its first meeting last week. The party plans an official launch in April. Vice-president Salahuddin Ayub has already been named its adviser.

“Mind you, the Congress is already officially a wing in the party. The constitution has been accepted by the PAS central committee and it is all systems go,” said Mujahid.

“What is going to happen in April is just a launch to make it known that our Club has been upgraded to a full-fledged Congress and if all goes well, in five years’ time, the non-Muslim wing can be fully assimilated into the party proper.”

PAS for All

Members of the Supporters Congress will be able to participate at the party’s muktamar or annual meetings as special representatives. Congress leaders will be elected at the federal, state and district levels but these will be ineligible to either stand for or elect the supreme leadership in PAS.

The Congress will also be formed at the national, state, and district levels but will not extend to individual branches. It will be headed by a leader, who will in turn be aided by a deputy; five vice-leaders; a secretary; an assistant secretary; a treasurer; and a committee of 18. It will also incorporate its own Youth and Women’s wings.

PAS fielded non-Muslim candidates at the 2008 general election. Its Supporters Club was formed in 2004 and has over 20,000 members comprising various races including Indians, Chinese, Siamese, and Iban.

“The politics of communalism and racism are not only outdated but they are wrong in principle and against the teachings of Islam,” said Mujahid.

“We have to evolve a new model whether all stakeholders in the country can participate in PAS but without PAS losing its Islamic backbone and focus. Can it be done? Certainly, we believe so. Look at our Supporters Club. That is already a reality and has been very successful, so much so we have upgraded it to a Congress. Now we want the Congress to get going while we prepare for the final step. I am sure we can do it, PAS can be for all.”

Friday, January 29, 2010

Khalid to consider appeal when he returns from Saudi

Wong Choon Mei

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 29: PAS MP for Shah Alam Khalid Samad said he will consider whether or not to appeal the six months suspension slapped on him by the party's disciplinary board when he returns from Saudi Arabia on February 12.

“I will think about the appeal when I get back. What is important is that Datuk Hasan was also found to be in the wrong and as such he should no longer raise problems for the Pakatan Rakyat in Selangor,” Khalid told Harakahdaily in a text message.

The popular 53-year old leader, well-respected for his principled and multiracial stance, was found guilty of having breached party rules by calling on Selangor PAS commissioner Hasan Ali to resign last year and for divulging to the media what had transpired at a state liaison meeting.

Hasan wrong to air grouses that can hurt Pakatan

The PAS disciplinary board headed by Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man also issued a warning letter to Hasan.

Hasan was found guilty of discrediting the Pakatan state government by issuing public statements without going through internal channels, mainly over the recent Selcat inquiry into how state allocations were being run down by Umno-BN assemblymen. Selcat is a Selangor parliamentary watchdog committee.

Both men were found guilty under Section 75 of the PAS constitution. They have also been prohibited from making statements that can harm the party’s image.

“The suspension on Khalid extends to all position he holds in the party including as Shah Alam chief and also as committee member of the political bureau,” Tuan Ibrahim told a press conference.

“As for Hasan, even though he is not part of Selcat and Selcat is independent from the exco, we decided that Selcat was established by the state government and approved by the exco. Therefore as an exco member, he should bring any matters related to Selcat during the exco meeting and not outside,” Tuan Man also said.

Khalid likely to heed supporters' call to appeal

Both men have 30 days to appeal. Hasan has blamed the media for sensationalizing the events that led to his being brought before the disciplinary panel. It is unclear if he will appeal the warning given to him.

Meanwhile, Khalid’s close aides expect him to give in to the calls that have rung in non-stop for him not to give up.

“It is as though the whole of Malaysia has been calling to ask YB to appeal and not to be upset. But YB is now in Saudi and what is there to be upset about anyway. He is a very calm man and from what we know, he won’t let his supporters down,” an aide told Harakahdaily.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Nizar: PAS has at least 40% Malay support in Perak

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Wong Choon Mei

IPOH, Jan 26: Deposed Pakatan Rakyat Mentri Besar for Perak Nizar Jamaluddin said his PAS party still had minimum 40 percent support from the Malay electorate in the state, dismissing speculation that the coalition might lose in the event of snap elections.

“We are very confident of a clear and decisive victory and that’s why we intend to call for snap elections the moment we can do so. Unlike Umno, which is why they dare not call for fresh polls,” Nizar told Harakahdaily.

Latest in-house surveys by PAS showed little change in Malay sentiment towards the party, although polls conducted by the Merdeka Centre and Universiti Malaya suggest it may have lost 7 to 8 percent of the electorate.

“We respect their views but we also have faith in our own research,” said Nizar, the Pasir Panjang assemblyman, who is also MP for Bukit Gantang.

The former tin-mining state has a mixed population of more than 2 million, of which 54 percent or 1.1 million are Malay, 32 percent are Chinese, 12 percent Indian and the rest other races.

If PAS can maintain its support base of 40 percent of the Malay voters, then its chances of re-taking the state government is very bright. Already, pundits expect the Pakatan - which also consists of the multi-racial DAP and PKR - to sweep the mixed constituencies, where non-Malays form a high proportion of the population.

Raising living standards in rural Malay areas

According to him, Pakatan will soon be unveiling plans to lift from poverty the large pockets of rural Malay areas dotting Perak, and also introduce programs to inject modern facilities and infrastructure so that they could catch up with the urban parts of the state.

“Many of these place like Larut and Trong look like they are still in the pre-Independence era. They were completely sidelined and ignored by the Umno-BN in the state’s development plans," the 52-year old leader said.

“We intend to correct this by re-distributing the resources of the state in a more equitable and effective way, firstly by plugging leakage due to corruption.”

In the urban towns, where the population is mostly non-Malay, the Pakatan will announce business-friendly strategies to give all an equal chance to succeed.

"We will implement a new dimension, it will be a paradigm shift. No more stale investment strategies, no more corrupt ways of doing things," Nizar said.

"Those who doubt our ability to bring progress need only to look at the success and ingenuity of our land titles program. We are serious professionals who can get the job done well. If we had been allowed to continue, by now, we would have finished the target of giving out 150,000 titles to the poor and the homeless."

Pakatan will not sit and shake legs

Nizar was the Mentri Besar before a coup d’etat engineered by Prime Minister Najib Razak toppled the Pakatan state government in February 2009.

His lawsuit challenging the legaility of Umno-BN leader Zambry Kadir as his successor will be decided by the Federal Court on February 9.

But even if he is not reinstated by the court, Nizar said the Pakatan would still go full steam with its rural redevelopment plan.

“If I win the court case, I would still call for snap election. If Pakatan loses the election, we would still find ways to co-ordinate with the private sector to fund the programs,” he stressed.

“Right now, we have 28 assemblymen and we are not going to sit and shake legs. Win or lose, we have to work and our work is to service our constituents and look for ideas and ways to bring them the change and development that they wish for.”

Confident provided ...

Currently, Pakatan has the same number of 28 seats as Umno-BN. However, there are also three Independents - whose status is still being challenged in the courts - who have declared allegiance with the BN.

Nizar also expressed optimism about his chances with the Federal Court, despite widespread concern that he may not be able to get a fair verdict given the judiciary's track record of bowing to political pressure from the ruling elite.

“Morally and legally, we are in the right. So I am extremely confident that I can win the court case,” he said.

“The problem is there may be other factors involved. So we have to pray for God’s guidance and that the judges will all be guided by good conscience, good faith and wisdom.”

Sunday, January 24, 2010

whos God

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Praise for PAS, brickbats for Umno over Allah

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KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 5: PAS has won praise from civil society leaders for its consultative and dialogue-driven approach to guide Muslims through the controversial Allah issue, rather than the confrontational one used by various Umno-backed groups that has marred the peace of the past few days.

After convening a special meeting last night, PAS leaders have reiterated their stand that while Christians could use the word Allah, there must be controls to prevent its misuse or abuse. Otherwise, Thursday's High Court ruling was a potential time bomb that could in the future rock the harmonious relations amongst the races.

Indeed, PAS spiritual adviser Nik Aziz Nik Mat had at the weekend already called for dialogue with Christian leaders so that these concerns could be discussed and best-fit solutions found.

“I would commend PAS for their courage and honesty,” Ramon Navaratnam, chairman of the Centre for Public Policy Studies told Harakahdaily.

“On the Umno side, we hope Prime Minister Najib Razak will continue with his inclusive stance as envisaged by his 1Malaysia slogan. There must be good faith and goodwill to all. If we give in to extremists, this country is in trouble.”

Who belongs to who?

Last week, the High Court overturned a Home Ministry ban on a Christian magazine from using Allah to describe God in its Malay-language section.

The ruling spurred Muslim activists – mostly Umno-backed groups – into angry protests. They have threatened to hold mass demonstrations although an appeal has already been filed by the Home Ministy.

“No one should try to politicise the issue, which can cause tension and disharmony among the races,” said Malaysian Gurdawars Council president Harcharan Singh. The Sikh leader added that dialogue amongst leaders of the different faiths in the country was the best way forward.

Even Marina Mahathir, a columnist and the eldest daughter of former premier Mahathir Mohamad, blasted the emotional outbursts that have marred the past few days.

“It is not about God belonging to you, rather YOU belong to God,” Marina said in an interview with a news portal. “It is now the 21st century. What is the 21st century Muslim like? Different, or the same as how we were in the past? Sadly, the way we are looking at things right now, I’d say we are the same.”

Meanwhile, Bar Council human rights committee head Andrew Khoo suggested that filing an appeal against the High Court decision could only prolong the debate.

“It would be good for the government to provide leadership at this critical point to say 'enough is enough',” said Khoo. “Religion has always been a sensitive issue but it is not devoid of political undertones.”
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